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外眼看廊坊⑦丨俄罗斯哈卡西共和国主席瓦伦丁·科诺瓦洛夫:河北资源丰富 将与河北开展多领域合作

来源: 长城网  
2024-06-18 18:21:28

  长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌 刘志成 李文培)6月16日,2024年中国·廊坊国际经济贸易洽谈会如期启幕,众多外国代表组团赴会参展。



  China·Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair kicked off on June 16, 2024 in Langfang, north China's Hebei Province with delegations from many countries participating in the fair.

  Konovalov Valentin Olegovich, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia, said that Hebei Province has abundant resources. The Republic of Khakassia and Hebei Province are jointly developing a project in the aluminum industry, and the cooperation already has a very stable foundation.

  "With the well-developed transportation infrastructure, we can also establish cooperative projects in many other industries, including food processing," Valentin Konovalov said.

  He emphasized that Hebei Province's comprehensive transportation network, including airports, land ports, and seaports, provides an excellent basis for future collaborative projects.
