河北频道 > 全景河北


来源: 长城网  
2024-06-26 22:34:44

  长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者郑白 康紫祎 戴璐繁)6月26日,来自世界近四十个国家和地区的政党领导人或代表来到雄安新区参观交流。


  On June 26, delegates of nearly 40 countries and regions visited Xiong'an New Area. They toured Yuerong Park, the Party Mass Service Centre of the Nanwenying Community and other places.

  "Xiong'an is a new town and it's very modern," said Marcela Ganea, a researcher of the Belt and Road Initiative Research Lab from Romania, who was deeply impressed. "I think you've combined tradition with the latest technologies and architecture in an excellent way. The construction of the Xiong'an New Area is incredible and unique."
