河北频道 > 全景河北


来源: 长城网  
2024-09-24 16:46:00

  长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 武萌)在第八届河北省旅游产业发展大会上,长城国际传播中心海外传播官(美国)Emily,被河北省文化和旅游厅正式聘为“河北文旅全球宣传使者”。

  随后,在廊坊主会场生活美学市集文创展上,面对好逛的潮品国货,好玩的AI机器人按摩、 DIY 香囊,好吃的非遗美食……河北文旅全球宣传使者Emily,带我们一起逛起来!

  Exciting trendy domestic products, fun AI robot massages, DIY fragrance sachets, and delicious intangible cultural heritage delicacies……

  The creative celebration is here! At the 8th Hebei Province Tourism Industry Development Conference, the Life Aesthetics Market has made its official debut. Let's go check it out together!
