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微纪录丨跨越太平洋的友谊Cross-Pacific Friendship

来源: 长城网  
2024-08-14 15:11:34





  总监制:李 遥

  策 划:曹朝阳

   统 筹:宋立芳 郑白

   编 导: 刘志成

   拍 摄:刘志成 李文培 张梦琳 寇瑄

   后 期:刘志成

   翻 译:宋立芳 米雯婷


  A group of American students hit upon China's Qixi festival, popularly known as the Chinese valentine day, when they came to China on a traditional Chinese culture tour on August 5, 2024.

  This group of students from the State of Iowa is one of several groups that have come to China on a visit since the beginning of this year after China extended the invitation in 2023 to 50,000 youths for exchange and study tours of China.

  It was learned that the American students have left China with no end marvels at the profound and unique charm of traditional Chinese culture. The cross-Pacific cultural exchange has become a bridge that has brought young people of the two countries closer together.

  Just as one American student said that the legend of the Chinese valentine day shows that even separated by the Milky Way, the ancient couple could meet each other every year, so what today when we are only separated by a strip of ocean?
