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外眼看廊坊② | 沙特参展商:廊坊经洽会是展示和推广我们国家特色产品的好机会

来源: 长城网  
2024-06-16 10:39:20

  长城网·冀云客户端讯(记者 刘志成 张梦琳 )6月16日,2024年中国·廊坊国际经济贸易洽谈会如期启幕,境内外展商客商踊跃参与。


  China·Langfang International Economic and Trade Fair is scheduled to kick off on June 16, 2024 in Langfang, north China's Hebei Province. Domestic and foreign exhibitors from all over the world are gathering in Langfang with their own country's most distinctive and high quality products.

  Rashad, an exhibitor from Saudi Arabia, jokingly called himself Aladdin, could speak some simple Chinese words such as "Saudi Arabia" and "desert dates", etc. Rashad said he brought handmade scarves, jewelry and other special products to the fair, and he thought that the fair is well organized as it provides a platform for countries around the world to show their special commodities, and it is a good opportunity to show and promote Saudi Arabia's special products.
